Problems with installation of Windows 2008 64 bit NT remote agent
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Problems with installation of Windows 2008 64 bit NT remote agent


Article ID: 50251


Updated On:


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When attempting the installation of the windows remote agent the following errors are received in the log file:

1: GetInstallDriver, Can not find InstallDriver in ROT table, Return Code = 0x80004005 
1: Extract supporting files 
1: Failed to extract _IsUser.dll, Ignore it. 
1: Failed to extract IGdi.dll, Ignore it.
When attempting to add the windows server to the provisioning server the following is observed:
:ETA_E_0003, Windows NT Endpoint 'endpoint name' creation failed: Connector Server Add failed: 'NTSAUTIL' is not recognized
as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
This is the error received when running the CA Identity Manager - Provisioning Agent for Windows Local Users and Groups.msi on the server locally.
This is likely due to a conflict with the install shield versions.
Then you will see a popup at completion of the Wizard:
InstalledShield Wizard Completed
The wizard was interrupted before CA Identity Manager-
Provisioning Agent for Windows Local Users and Groups could
be completely Installed.
Your system has not been modified. To complete installation at
another time, please run setup again.
Click Finish to exit the wizard


Component: IDMGR


64 bit machine:

  1. Move the c:\Program Files(x86)\Common Files\Install Shield to another place for backup.
  2. Run the remote agent installer.
  3. After installing the NT Remote Agent, copy the Install Shield folder back.

32 bit machines:

  1. Move the c:\Program Files\Common Files\Install Shield to another place for backup.
  2. Run the remote agent installer.
  3. After installing the NT Remote Agent, copy the Install Shield folder back.