In IDMS Utilities doc, IDMSRPTS RECDES report, There are no descriptions of the RLGTH, DLGTH, KLGTH and DSTRT abbreviations
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In IDMS Utilities doc, IDMSRPTS RECDES report, There are no descriptions of the RLGTH, DLGTH, KLGTH and DSTRT abbreviations


Article ID: 50213


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In the IDMS Utilities documentation the IDMSRPTS Schema Record report contains 4 abbreviations. What are RLGTH, DLGTH, KLGTH and DSTRT?




 IDMS - all supported releases


Schema Record and Set Description Listing

  | IDMSRPTS nn.n                              -- SCHEMA RECORD DESCRIPTION LISTING ---                       DATE      TIME     PAGE |
  | RECDES                                       DICTIONARY APPLDICT OF NODE DEFAULT                          mm/dd/yy  181426     1  |
  |                                                  SCHEMA EMPSCHM  VERSION    1                                                     |
  |                                                                                                                                   |
  | RECORD NAME........ COVERAGE                                                                                     RLGTH=   36      |
  | RECORD VERSION..... 0001                                                                                         DLGTH=   16      |
  | RECORD ID.......... 0400                                                                                         KLGTH=   20      |
  | RECORD LENGTH...... FIXED                                                                                        DSTRT=   20      |
  | LOCATION MODE...... VIA SET      EMP-COVERAGE        DISPLACEMENT 0000  PAGES                                                     |
  | WITHIN............. INS-DEMO-REGION     OFFSET          5 PGS FOR         45 PGS                                                  |
  | DBKEY POSITIONS.... SET............. TYPE........ NEXT  PRIOR OWNER                                                               |
  |                     EMP-COVERAGE     MEMBER          1     2     3                                                                |
  |                     COVERAGE-CLAIMS  OWNER           4     5                                                                      |
  | DATA ITEM.......... REDEFINES....... USAGE....... VALUE............................. PICTURE.....................  STRT  LGTH     |
  |                                                                                                                                   |
  | 02 SELECTION-DATE-0400               DISPLAY                                                                          1     6     |
  | 03 SELECTION-YEAR-0400               DISPLAY                                         9(2)                             1     2     |
  | 03 SELECTION-MONTH-0400              DISPLAY                                         9(2)                             3     2     |
  | 03 SELECTION-DAY-0400                DISPLAY                                         9(2)                             5     2     |
  | 02 TERMINATION-DATE-0400             DISPLAY                                                                          7     6     |


The RLGTH is the Schema record length including record prefix (36 bytes in this listing)

The DLGTH is the data portion of the Schema record (16 bytes)

KLGTH is the prefix portion of the Schema Record (36-16 = 20 byes)

And lastly DSTRT is the Offset, relative to 0, of the data portion of the schema record from the start of the record (including the prefix).