Tuning SECCACHE in Top Secret
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Tuning SECCACHE in Top Secret


Article ID: 50212


Updated On:


Top Secret


What is the best way to tune the Top Secret SECCACHE?


The stats to use to determine if you need to make the size bigger or the Index bigger are NOSPACE and NOINDEX. The Index default is 5000.

Below is the information on NOSPACE and NOINDEX. If these numbers are large, than the Index or Size needs to be increased (or both).

Number of data area allocation requests failing due to no available space. A large number indicates the data size allocated to the cache is too small. You can attempt to recover space with a CLEAR,EXP=nnn request.

Number of index entry allocation requests failing due to no available space. A large number here indicates the number of index entries allocated to the cache is too small. You can attempt to recover space with a CLEAR,EXP=nnn request.