How to skip the TPX Menu and go directly to an Application.
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How to skip the TPX Menu and go directly to an Application.


Article ID: 50210


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Teleview TELEVIEW- PACKAGE TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS



When logging on to TPX, users may prefer to go directly to an active application rather than having the additional step of selecting the application from the TPX Menu. Users can setup their userid to go directly to an active application skipping over the TPX Menu when logging on TPX.


To set up a userid to skip over the TPX Menu and go directly to an active application you must:

  1. Set up the application to logon at Start up. In your Session Options, select the application and enter a 'Y' in the "Start at sign-on:" parameter.

  2. Go to the User Option section and enter a 'N' in the "Display menu:" parameter

This should allow you to go directly to the desired application. If more than one application is selected to startup at sign-on, you will go to the first of these application based upon the order they appear in your TPX Menu. You can change the Menu Order so that the desired application is above all other active applications. This is done in the Session Options panel. The lower the number, the higher it will be on the menu. Be sure to logoff and back on for the setting to take effect.


Component: TLVIEW