Is there a way to bypass generating utilities for objects in restrict status?
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Is there a way to bypass generating utilities for objects in restrict status?


Article ID: 5020


Updated On:


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Is there a way to bypass generation of utilities for objects in restrict state?



Component: PDA


Depending on whether the need is space level conditions (ie, TSP/IXP) vs. part level (ie, TS/IX), you can use the following 

S (TS) Check for one or more DB2 statuses B | NOT CHKP & NOT RECP 

S (IX) Recover pending status (; or NOT) B | NOT 

... or ... 

S (TSP) Check for one or more DB2 statuses B | NOT CHKP & NOT RECP 

S (IXP) Recover pending status (; or NOT) B | NOT