Evaluation order of JMO criteria profiles
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Evaluation order of JMO criteria profiles


Article ID: 50189


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Unicenter Job Management Option


What is the rule to define these parameters and how are they interpreted?


Network and Systems Management-Job Management Option


The rule and evaluation order of the different jobset/job criteria are:

  1. It is mandatory to define a holiday calendar (critcal), even if it is bypassed by the criteria conditions later (see item 3)

  2. As soon as a holiday calendar has been added to the job definition, regular calendar processing becomes obsolete.

    All job scheduling will be performed based on the

    holiday calendar and criteria (Holiday action, Non workday action, etc.) settings.

    Regular calendar defined on the main tab of the jobset or job will be ignored.

The evaluation order of the different criteria are the following:

  1. Conditions (critkeys)

  2. Holiday Calendar (critcal)

    What is 'ON' in holiday calendar determines if it will be scheduled

  3. Holiday Action (crithact)

  4. Non-Workday Action (critnwact)

  5. Adjustment (critcadj)

The global rule is that all these steps are evaluated in this order to determine if a jobset or a job has to be scheduled by the JMO manager.