How to pass execution options to an IMS tool which will be internally invoked by another IMS tool.
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How to pass execution options to an IMS tool which will be internally invoked by another IMS tool.


Article ID: 50176


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Database Analyzer (IMS Tools) Mainframe Configuration Manager for IMS for z/OS IMS TOOLS - MISC Compress Data Compression (IMS Tools) Database Analyzer for IMS for z/OS Database Copier for IMS for z/OS Database Organizer for IMS for z/OS Mainframe Extended Terminal Manager (IMS Tools) High Performance Recovery for IMS for z/OS Database Organizer (IMS Tools) Mainframe Program Restart Manager for IMS for z/OS Secondary Index Builder for IMS for z/OS Secondary Index for IMS for z/OS DATABASE MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR IMS FOR Z/OS


If an IMS tool is invoked by another IMS tool (the execution options are via the DD statement DBOCTRL) those options can only
be passed to the tool which would be executed first.

How can the execution options be passed to another (subsequently) invoked IMS tool?


If execution options must be passed to an IMS tool which will be called internally by another IMS tool, the global options parameter DD statement IDIPARM needs to be used.

On the IDIPARM global options dataset, a member matching the corresponding function-related standard member name must be present and this member
must have those options defined which need to be used for this execution.


DBO reload will be executed with option AUTOINDEXBUILD=YES to build all secondary indexes, which results in SIB being internally invoked by DBO.

To tell SIB to write execution progress information every 1000 records, the IDIPARM dataset must be used in the DBO reload job control, and on this
dataset a member SIBIBLD (standard member name for INDEXBUILD) must be present, containing execution option PROGRESSREPORT=1000.