Problem with defining roles with CA Output Management Web Viewer 12.1
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Problem with defining roles with CA Output Management Web Viewer 12.1


Article ID: 5016


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Output Management Document Viewer Output Management Web Viewer


I have added a new repository VIEW12 to Web Viewer, and a new role, VIEW12 whose members are allowed to view this restricted repository. I can see the new repository as the system admin and open reports so I now it is defined correctly. However the users in role VIEW12 cannot see the new repository.


Release: OUTWBV01300-12.1-Output Management-Web Viewer for AIX


If the user is in the default role and then assigned to a different role, the user must first be taken out of the default role and then added to the other role. When a user is in 2 roles and one of them is the default role, it takes precedence over the other roles.