Which set of EPTKCONV and EPTDATE modules should be used?
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Which set of EPTKCONV and EPTDATE modules should be used?


Article ID: 50066


Updated On:


Easytrieve Report Generator Easytrieve Plus Report Generator Toolkit


Should the modules from from Easytrieve Plus Report Generator Toolkit or Easytrieve Report Generator be used?



Easytrieve Report Generator, release 11.6

Easytrieve Plus Report Generator Toolkit, release 2.0


Please use the modules from CA Easytrieve r11.5 or r11.6 - These modules are more current with new updates.

Name Prompt    Alias-of     Size       TTR      AC    AM   RM
EPTKCONV                    00000310   00000F   00    31   24
EPTKDATE                    00000A68   000010   00    31   24


To ensure these modules are being used concatenate the CA Easytrieve cailib in front of the CA Easytrieve Toolkit loadlib
- OR -
Copy the EPTKCONV and EPTKDATE modules from the CA Easytrieve r11.5 or r11.6 to the CA Easytrieve Toolkit loadlib.