ESP Security requirements for CSF commands
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ESP Security requirements for CSF commands


Article ID: 50009


Updated On:


ESP Workload Automation


This Knowledge Document describes security requirements for every CSF Command in ESP Workload Automation.




$A Issues a JES RELEASE command on a z/OS job APPLX-R GROUPX-R
$C Cancels a z/OS job in JES APPL-R GROUP-R
$CD Cancels a z/OS job with a dump in JES APPL-R GROUP-R
$CP Cancels and purges a z/OS job in JES APPL-R GROUP-R
$D Displays the JES status of a job APPL-R GROUP-R
$H Issues a JES HOLD command on a z/OS job APPLX-R GROUPX-R
A Releases a job APPLX-R GROUPX-R
AA Releases an application from hold status APPLX-R GROUPX-R
AH Select predefined workload from an application. Allows for ad-hoc scheduling. GROUP-U GROUP-U
AS Releases a held subapplication  APPLX-R GROUPX-R
BD Browses job documentation GROUP-R GROUP-R
BE Browses the Event that invoked the application GROUP-R GROUP-R
BJ Browses the last executed JCL GROUP-R GROUP-R
BP Browses ESP procedure GROUP-R GROUP-R
BY Bypasses a job APPLX-R GROUPX-R
BYR Bypasses a job APPLX-R GROUPX-R
BYS Bypasses a subapplication APPLX-R GROUPX-R
C Completes a job APPLX-R GROUPX-R
CA Completes an application and completes all the jobs in that application. You must remove any holds or waits on the application before ESP will complete it. APPLX-R GROUPX-R
CS Completes an entire subapplication APPLX-R GROUPX-R
DD Drops all predecessor dependencies APPLX-R GROUPX-R
DIN Displays an info record GROUP-R GROUP-R
DR Drops all resource dependencies APPLX-R GROUPX-R
ED Edits job documentation GROUP-U GROUP-U
EE Edits the Event that invoked the application GROUP-U GROUP-U
EJ Edits the last executed JCL GROUP-U GROUP-U
EP Edits ESP procedure GROUP-U GROUP-U
H Places a job into APPLHOLD status APPLX-R GROUPX-R
HA Places application in APPLHOLD status APPLX-R GROUPX-R
HAR Places application in APPLHOLD status APPLX-R GROUPX-R
HR Places a job into APPLHOLD status with a reason APPLX-R GROUPX-R
HS Places subapplication into  hold status APPLX-R GROUPX-R
IJ Inserts a z/OS job into the application, IJ can be issued in Application Monitor APPL-U GROUP-U
IJA Inserts a job after a selected job APPL-U GROUP-U
IJB Inserts a job before a selected job APPL-U GROUP-U
IW Inserts a workload object into the application, IW can be issued in Application Monitor APPL-U GROUP-U
JCL Displays the JESJCL output spool file for the specified job in a JES2 or JES3 environment GROUP-R GROUP-R
JES Displays the JESMSGLG, JESJCL, and JESYSMSG output spool files for the specified job in a JES2 or JES3 environment GROUP-R GROUP-R
L Displays all predecessor dependencies GROUP-R GROUP-R
LA Lists the application APPL-R GROUP-R
LAD Lists the application dump. LAD lists control blocks ADXE and ATR and the AJQE control blocks. For more information, see the Programming Guide. APPL-R GROUP-R
LI Displays index entries GROUP-R GROUP-R
LJ Displays step-level statistics GROUP-R GROUP-R
LJE Lists detailed information about the specified job APPL-R GROUP-R
LJO Lists all output spool files for the specified z/OS job. Individual output spool files can be viewed by issuing the S or V command on the appropriate output spool file line in the list. This applies to JES2 and JES3 environments. GROUP-R GROUP-R
LOG Displays the JESMSGLG (job log) output spool file for the specified job in a JES2 or JES3 environment GROUP-R GROUP-R
LR Displays the job resources GROUP-R GROUP-R
LS Lists subapplication APPL-R GROUP-R
ME Modifies enqueues GROUP-U GROUP-U
MR Modifies resources GROUP-U GROUP-U
MSG Displays the JESYSMSG (job message) output spool file for the specified job in a JES2 or JES3 environment GROUP-R GROUP-R
OUT Displays all output spool files for the specified job in a JES2 or JES3 environment GROUP-R GROUP-R
P Issues a system STOP command on an executing z/OS job, if the job is programmed to do so APPL-R GROUP-R
QS Quiesces a z/OS job executing on a goal mode system. Requires ESP Workload Automation Service Governor. APPL-R GROUP-R
R Resubmits or restarts a job Note: APPLX-R GROUPX-R
RD Readies a job, removing all predecessors and submit time dependencies APPLX-R GROUPX-R
RDS Readies a subapplication APPLX-R GROUPX-R
RM Reruns multiple jobs in an active or complete application APPLX-R GROUPX-R
RP Replies to a Workload Automation Agent for i5/OS message GROUP-U GROUP-U
RQ Requests a job APPLX-R GROUPX-R
RQS Requests a subapplication APPLX-R GROUPX-R
RR Views the Workload Automation Restart Option EE panels or the  Workload Automation Restart Option for z/OS Schedulers restart interface panel. Use RX if you want to exclude specific steps from the range of steps you want to rerun. RX is only available for jobs whose restart manager is  Workload Automation Restart Option EE. APPLX-R GROUPX-R
RS Resumes the original service class of a z/OS job executing on a goal mode system. Requires ESP Workload Automation Service Governor. APPL-R GROUP-R
RT Resets one or more time dependencies APPLX-R GROUPX-R
RX Views the Workload Automation Restart Option EE panels APPLX-R GROUPX-R
SUS Sets the user status field for a job APPL-R GROUP-R
TA Completes an application immediately. ESP Workload Automation removes any holds and waits that are on the application, completes all the workload objects in the application, and completes the application. APPLX-R GROUPX-R
UB Unbypasses a bypassed job APPLX-R GROUPX-R
UBS Cancels the bypass of a subapplication APPLX-R GROUPX-R
UIN Updates an info record GROUP-U GROUP-U
UR Unrequests a requested job APPLX-R GROUPX-R
URS Cancel the requests of a subapplication APPLX-R GROUPX-R
UW Unwaits a job from job-ancestor wait (JANCWAIT) APPLX-R GROUPX-R
UWA Removes an application from APPLWAIT status. The application no longer waits for a previous generation of the application. APPLX-R GROUPX-R
UWS Removes subapplication from SANCWAIT status APPLX-R GROUPX-R
W Selects distributed job options GROUP-U GROUP-U
WC Cancels a PeopleSoft job GROUP-U GROUP-U
WD Withdraws an incomplete job. APPLX-R GROUPX-R
WDS Withdraws all incomplete jobs in a subapplication APPLX-R GROUPX-R
WDA Withdraws all incomplete jobs in an application. APPLX-R GROUPX-R
WSF Retrieves a distributed job spool file GROUP-R GROUP-R
XP Manually expedites a job with an associated expedite policy, waiting for execution or executing. Requires ESP Workload Automation Service Governor. APPL-R GROUP-R


Note: For R, RR, RX commands, UPDATE access is needed to resubmit from a different JCLLIB; user mode 12 overwrites it.

The following table describes the security requirements for every CSF Command in ESP.

APPL-R means READ access to ESP.APPL profile
APPLX-R means READ access to ESP.APPLX profile
APPL-U means UPDATE access to ESP.APPL profile
GROUP-R means READ access to ESP.GROUP profile
GROUPX-R means READ access to ESP.GROUPX profile
GROUP-U means UPDATE access to ESP.GROUP profile