The CA Endevor Action Options panel (C1SF9000) does not maintain the changes to modified fields.
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The CA Endevor Action Options panel (C1SF9000) does not maintain the changes to modified fields.


Article ID: 4997


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Noticed that when I change the flags on the transfer panel (C1SF9000) for the from/to, the case sensitive and the upper case flags from the default values, and then select action (AO - panel C1SF9010) the AO flags are blank instead of receiving the default that they normally do from the config table.



CA Endevor V18 Increment 07 (18.00.07)


In the ISPF Classic Endevor interface, the add, update, retrieve and transfer

panels are now vertically scrollable.  This change allows all of the Action Options 

to be specified on each of the action panels, so that you no longer have to go

to a seperate panel to change these options.  The default of the values will now

be the last change to the Action Options.




Additional Information

The change of the panels were done in incremental 18.00.08.