Service Performance Manager (SPM) Duplicate Test Host Models seen in Spectrum OneClick on the Locator tab
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Service Performance Manager (SPM) Duplicate Test Host Models seen in Spectrum OneClick on the Locator tab


Article ID: 49920


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Service Performance Manager (SPM) Duplicate Test Host Models seen in Spectrum OneClick on the Locator tab


Spectrum 10.x and higher


1. It may be possible a duplicate test host can get created off things like a Duplicate IP for the test host, or other inconsistencies with the test host. If the dupe is created this way, you can clear it following the steps in the "Resolution" portion of this document. 

2. There is a known issue in Spectrum 10.3 where a SpectroSERVER restart can show false duplicate SPM tests. This issue is resolved in 10.3.1. 

On the Locator tab it you may see that duplicate Test Host models are found when searching for Test Hosts via Locator. There should be only one Test Host model for each discovered model in OneClick. 

Filter the list of Test Hosts by name. If you see test hosts showing blank Test Host Name and no other data, then likely this is a test host falsely created by SpectroSERVER restart. This issue is fixed in 10.3.0_BMP.10.3.002 and 10.3.1 and higher.


Follow the below steps to delete the duplicate Test Host models in OneClick:

  1. Go to the Locator tab in OneClick and select SPM - All Test Hosts by name.
  2. In the Results window filter for one IP address.

  3. Select all the duplicate Test Host models (not the default Test Host model)
  4. Right click and select the Attribute editor.
  5. Set the Test_App_MH attribute to 0x0.

  6. Repeat Step 3 to select all the duplicate models.
  7. Right click and select Delete.

The duplicate models will be destroyed and will not appear again in OneClick.

NOTE: You can also select multiple duplicate test hosts and use Attribute Editor to set Test_App_MH attribute to 0x0 for all duplicate test hosts at once. Then they can be deleted in bulk as well. 

If they return after a SpectroSERVER restart, then likely you are seeing the known issue resolved in 10.3.0_BMP.10.3.002 and 10.3.1 and higher.

Additional Information

(DE378256, 01105046) 
Symptom: Duplicate RTM_TestHost models were created after 
SpectroSERVER restart. 
Resolution: Duplicate RTM_TestHost models will not be created after SpectroSERVER restart.