Cannot delete a Charge Code or change the Charge Code ID Messages TMA-0200, TMA-0205, TMA-0207
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Cannot delete a Charge Code or change the Charge Code ID Messages TMA-0200, TMA-0205, TMA-0207


Article ID: 49888


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise



I tried to change the ID or delete a Charge Code and the application generated the following message. How can I find out where the Charge Code is used?


Steps to Reproduce the error messages:

TMA-0200: Charge code ID cannot be changed because it is referenced by one or more records

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login to application as an administrator user
  2. Administration, Project Management: Charge Codes
  3. Click on the name of the existing Charge Code
  4. Change the Charge Code Name and ID values
  5. Click 'Save' or 'Submit' button

Actual Result: Alert message appears "TMA-0200: Charge code ID cannot be changed because it is referenced by one or more records"


TMA-0205: One or more charge codes are being used in financials and cannot be deleted.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login to application as an administrator user 
  2. Administration, Project Management: Charge Codes 
  3. Select or checkmark existing Charge Code(s) 
  4. Click 'Delete' button 
  5. Alert Message "Do you want to delete the following charge codes? Any references from projects and tasks to this charge code will be removed." > click 'Yes' button 

Expected Result: For the Charge Code to be deleted
Actual Result: The Charge Code cannot be deleted due to message "TMA-0205: One or more charge codes are being used in financials and cannot be deleted."


TMA-0207:One or more charge codes are being used in financials and cannot be closed for time entry.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Login to application as an administrator user  
  2. Administration, Project Management: Charge Codes  
  3. Click on the name of the existing Charge Code    
  4. Uncheck the option 'Open for Time Entry' on the existing Charge Code
  5. Click 'Save' or 'Submit' button

Actual Result: Alert message appears "TMA-0207:One or more charge codes are being used in financials and cannot be closed for time entry."



Release: ESPCLA99000-13.2-Clarity-Extended Support Plus


The application is preventing the deletion or modification of the Charge Code because it is being used in Chargeback Debit Rules, a Cost Plan or a Budget Plan or being used for setting Financial Plan Defaults.

Check the following places where this Charge Code may be used. If the application allows for editing, remove the Charge Code and replace it with a different one.
The application does not allow for editing in a Budget Plan that has been approved.

  • Administration, Finance: Setup, Entities, Select an Entity, Plan Defaults, Plan By Details, Locate rows with this Charge Code
  • Administration, Finance: Manage Matrix, Select a Matrix that uses Charge Code in the column configuration > Edit Matrix Rows, Locate rows with this Charge Code
  • Administration, Chargebacks: Standard Rules
  • Home, Projects > Financial Plans > Cost Plans
  • Home, Projects > Financial Plans > Budget Plans
  • Home, Projects > go to Schedule or Financial summary page > Charge Code field
  • Home, Projects > Tasks > Task Properties > Charge Code field
  • Home, Projects > Chargebacks > Debit Rules
  • Home, Transaction Entry > Voucher Entries > look for new transactions that have not been posted yet
  • Home, Approve WIP Adjustment > look for existing financial transactions using this Charge Code and approve or reject the adjustment.  
  • Home, Create WIP Adjustment > look for existing, posted WIP transactions using this Charge Code. You can also use the 'Posted Transaction Review' Portlet (installed from PMO Accelerator Add-In) to locate existing WIP records that have been posted with the selected Charge Code.  Making a WIP Adjustment may still not allow you to change the Charge Code ID because the application keeps an internal record in the database with the old charge code references and this would prevent the deletion or change of the Charge Code ID  

The application could also prevent the modification or deletion of the Charge Code if there are actual financial transactions in progress that have not been posted into WIP yet. Check the following places where this Charge Code may be used.

  • Administration, Project Management: Invalid Transactions
    Process the transactions that appear in this listing by executing the 'Post Transactions to Financials' job
  • Home, Financial Management: Post to WIP
    Post to WIP Post all the waiting transactions into WIP by filtering for ALL transactions


Additional Information

NOTE: The ability to delete Charge Codes is no longer present in Clarity.