The CA Workload Automation System Agent installation fails on Linux system with the below error:
"/tmp/ Permission denied"
The error could be similar, if not exactly the same.
This would also stop the installation from progressing further.
The potential causes for this error are:
Check the permissions for the /tmp to confirm if execute permissions are allowed to the user.
If not, proceed to change the folder permissions accordingly.
drw-rw-rw- 10 root root 4096 Dec 2 02:47 tmp
For instance, (as shown above) if /tmp doesn't have execute permission, try changing the permissions to provide execute (x) permissions to the user.
Check if the /tmp partition was mounted with incorrect settings.
mount | grep tmp
The above command will display if the /tmp was mounted with "noexec" settings. The "noexec" setting will stop any executable from installing from within the /tmp.
If this is confirmed, the settings can be changed and /tmp can be mounted with "exec" option for the installation.
You can run the below command (requires escalated privileges)
mount -o remount, exec /tmp
This will allow the installation to progress.