The following error is seen when exporting models with the Modeling Gateway:
Error: model at ID <mh> was exported as two different types:
There are unresolved connections showing on the device that is not exported. The unresolved connections are causing issues in the display of off-page-references and connections. CA Spectrum is not showing the off-page-reference and connections in the topology view but this connection is still showing in the Neighbors tab.
This causes the export of the unresolved connection to be seen as a model and once the actual device is about to be exported, CA Spectrum thinks there is already a model with this model_handle.
To clean out this unresolved connection issue hindering the device export, you have to use the following workaround:
- Make sure during Modeling Gateway export that you add the "-debug <debug output file name>" option to see the error message.
- During the export, the model_handle is used next to the error message. Search for this model_handle in the file created with the debug option that was used.
- You will find at first that this model is exported with ModelExport. Above this message, you will see the model_handle (without "0x" in front) of the device, which it was connected to.
- In the Oneclick console -> Locater search, use the option to search for "Models -> By Model Handle" to find the device. In the Interface tab and the Neighbors tab you should see a "relic" of this "unresolved" connection. Delete the connection to the device that is not exported.
- If you cannot delete the connection (no option showing when right-click), then you need to cut/paste the device you still see the connection for in the Neighbors tab (make sure to do a screen shot, to know where this device was placed in the Topology View). After that you should be able to delete the connection in the Neighbors tab. If the off-page-reference was missing before, it should appear again in the Topology View, before deleting it.