From the User Console searching users by specifying an Organization can return no results even if there is data.
Looking at Organization IDs and their Org ID parents into custom <primary organization table>, CA imsorgid6 showed wrong DNs into imsorgid6.
Those DNs were not dealing with the proper path to match with the custom <primary organization table>.
e.g. you have:
Org3 (ID = 3) with parent ID = 2, Org2 (ID =2) with parent ID =1 (the root) then into imsorgid6 the DN for ID=3 should be: 3,2,1
Else this is the issue.
This is a rare issue. The circumstances which could lead to this corrupted imsorgid6 are not the subject of this article.
To repair the imsorgid6 please do the following:
1. From IM Management Console; Stop the IMEs working with your RDB user store.
2. Save the imsorgid6 table data.
E.g. for one RDB user store on MS SQL server;
3. Run the following script:
"...\IAM Suite\Identity Manager\tools\directoryTemplates\RelationalDatabase\ims_mssql_rdb_delete.sql"
4. Run the following script:
"...\IAM Suite\Identity Manager\tools\directoryTemplates\RelationalDatabase\ims_mssql_rdb.sql"
You can remove the following last statement since there is already an object named 'FK_UserOrgs' in the database:
ALTER TABLE tblUsers ADD CONSTRAINT FK_UserOrgs FOREIGN KEY (org) REFERENCES tblOrganizations (id);
5. Restart IMEs.
From the original ims_<mssql>_rdb.sql script, Search and replace the value <@primary organization table@> with the name of the primary table used for the organization managed object. This change should have been already done during the implementation phase.
The last update into ims_<mssql>_rdb.sql does not do anything against your "primary organization table" but triggers the UPDATEPATH (the goal) to re-populate the imsorgid6 table.