After upgrading to Natural V8.2, CA APAS Insight users started getting S0C3 abend when attempting to do a PF5 SHOW command or Start a new request from Insight.
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After upgrading to Natural V8.2, CA APAS Insight users started getting S0C3 abend when attempting to do a PF5 SHOW command or Start a new request from Insight.


Article ID: 49124


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APAS Insight Monitor for Adabas PLEU



A Natural v8.2 compatibility fix is required for the CA APAS Insight NATINS module to resolve the S0C3 abend that results in the user's Insight and Natural session terminating with the following error:

NAT9974 Natural termination forced by abend EX0* RC=03


Download Z51066 for APAS r5.1.0 or Z511010 for APAS r5.1.1 from the CA Support FTP server.
Apply the zap to the CA APAS NATINS Natural subroutine module.
After Z51066 / Z511010 has been applied to the NATINS module, relink the Natural v8.2 Shared nucleus (NATI060 job) to include the zapped NATINS module.

**NOTE** The zaps are fully downward compatible with Natural v4.1 and v4.2. It is not necessary to relink your v4 Shared nucleuses at this time. However, should you need to relink your Natural v4 nuclei for any reason, no special handling or separate NATINS module is required after the zap has been applied.

After the S0C3 abends is resolved, some CICS users start getting S0C4 abends in CICS or "NO IOCB/BB" in the NAT-MOD-ID field for CICS commands.
A modified DBGLNCTS link routine module is available that addresses the problem in locating the Natural BB for Natural v8.2.
Download Z51067 for APAS r5.1.0 or Z511015 for APAS r5.1.1 and the updated DBGLNCTS.txt module. from the CA Support FTP server.

  1. Apply the IMASPZAP to DBGNUC to set the Zap Map flag on
  2. Assemble and link the DBGLNCTS routine using the ASMLNCTS JCL in the CA APAS Source library
  3. Relink the Adabas CICSGBL module to include the modified DBGLNCTS module using the LNKLNCTS JCL in the CA APAS Source library
  4. Recycle CICS

    **NOTE** The modified DBGLNCTS is fully downward compatible with Natural v4.1 and v4.2.

R5.1.0 download information -

PATH: /CAproducts/adabas/apas-51/
FILES: Z51066.txt
CICS users also download:


R5.1.1 download information -

PATH: /CAproducts/adabas/apas-511/
FILES: Z511010.txt

CICS users also download:



Release: PLEU..00200-5.1-PLEU-Protection Log Extract Utility-for Adabas