Explanation how to use the LOADLIB parameter used by CAIRIM
You can use the LOADLIB parameter for your products, but keep in mind :
You can direct CAIRIM to a specific data set for loading the initialization routine by specifying the LOADLIB parameter.
The data set must be APF authorized.
The LOADLIB parameter causes TASKLIB for the routine to switch to that data set.
If LOADLIB is used, the initialization routine and the associated CAIRIM program modules must be either in the LINKLST or in the data set specified by the LOADLIB parameter. If they are only in a CAIRIM STEPLIB, an S806 abend will occur.
You can control your LOADLIB definitions by using the utility CAIRIMU :
The Resource Initialization Manager Utility, CAIRIMU, lists the product or component name, version and level, and displays the result of each initialization routine in the form of date, time, and success or failure based on the return code. By executing this utility, you can determine which products and components have been initialized.
The following parameter structure (in CARIMPRM) for initialization statements is used for all software solution and service definitions:
PRODUCT(desc) VERSION(vers) LOADLIB(dsn) - INIT(name) PARM(parm)
Where dsn is Data set name for solution or service load modules. If the modules are in LINKLIST or the CAIRIM procedure STEPLIB, then the LOADLIB parameter need not be specified.