Entrypoints are still reported in the investigator even though the feature is disabled
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Entrypoints are still reported in the investigator even though the feature is disabled


Article ID: 4902


Updated On:


CA Application Performance Management Agent (APM / Wily / Introscope) INTROSCOPE


We have disabled Smart Instrumentation




and also explicitly disabled Automatic Entry Point Detection



But I am still seeing Entry Points produced in the investigator


APM 10.x


If Automatic Entry Point detection has been enabled for an agent and has detected entry points in the past the it will have created an autopersist.pbd file in the hotdeploy folder contain tracer directives to report metrics for these previously discovered entry points. This pbd if present will be loaded and used even if the properties described above have been set to disable that feature.


When disabling Automatic Entry Point Detection as well as ensuring introscope.agent.deep.entrypoint.enabled=false also delete any autopersist.pbd file from the hotdeploy folder before restarting the application