How to generate accurate availability report for a process model in Spectrum Report Manager (SRM)
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How to generate accurate availability report for a process model in Spectrum Report Manager (SRM)


Article ID: 48823


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


In Spectrum Report Manager (SRM) the availability report of models depends on a couple of events. Now when process goes down you will get a process down alarm in OneClick. But out of the box this alarm is not considered for the outage and the report shows the availability of the process model as 100% even though you have a process down alarm on this model.


Spectrum 10.x or later


This solution steps through how you can generate accurate process availability report such that Spectrum considers the process down alarms for the outage.

This Technical document assumes the process down alarm is asserted on the process model in Spectrum OneClick. The 0x2390000e event is the process down event and the 0x23900007 event is the process up event.

  1. Log into the SRM system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation

  2. Copy the availability.xml file from directory:


    to directory:


  3. Edit the $SPECROOT/custom/repmgr/config/availability.xml file to look as follows

    <down_event>0x2390000e </down_event>

  4. Save the file

  5. Restart tomcat on the SRM system