Error in CA Service Desk Manager (CA SDM) STDLOG: Error at dob_from_rlist in at_by_key: 103 Bad data type in key
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Error in CA Service Desk Manager (CA SDM) STDLOG: Error at dob_from_rlist in at_by_key: 103 Bad data type in key


Article ID: 4873


Updated On: 10-11-2023


CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


Since migrating to CA SDM 14.1, receive the following error repeatedly in the STDLOG:

[example-servername] domsrvr              1848 ERROR        factory.c             7267 Error at dob_from_rlist in at_by_key: 103 Bad data type in key



CA SDM 14.1


Checking the STDLOG files , we could find that the DOMSRVR error:

domsrvr 1848 ERROR factory.c 7267 Error at dob_from_rlist in at_by_key: 103 Bad data type in key 

Always is preceded by the following SPELSRVR SIGNIFICANT message:

spelsrvr 3396 SIGNIFICANT cnt.spl 1180 AHD05376:The 'contact_name_xxxxxx' contact did not receive a notification - no notification method specified for level Normal.


Go to the CA SDM contact detail form for the contact indicated in the SPELSRVR SIGNIFICANT message and set a notification method.

Note that there is several notification levels and that each one has its own notification method. The error is reported because one of the notification levels for the contact is being used and its notification method is empty.