If an Endevor processor is located in STG1 and STG2 which processor gets executed?
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If an Endevor processor is located in STG1 and STG2 which processor gets executed?


Article ID: 48593


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


A processor exists in both STG 1 and STG 2 of the PRCSLOAD libraries. Which processor gets executed?



Release:  18.0 18.1

Component:   Endevor SCM


Depends on how the Processor Translation Output Libraries in the System Definition are set up.


DISPLAY -------------------- SYSTEM DEFINITION ---------------------
COMMAND ===>                                                        
CURRENT ENV:  environ           NEXT    ENV:  environ2                   
SYSTEM:       system            NEXT SYSTEM:  system                  
TITLE:        TEST SYSTEM                                       
UPDATED:      11SEP13 13:34    BY ########                           
GENERAL OPTIONS:                                                    
   COMMENT:     N (Y/N)    CCID:     N (Y/N) REQ ELM JUMP ACK:    Y
AUTO AGE LEVEL RETENTION OPTIONS:                                   
  ELEMENT:     N (Y/N)      RETAIN LVLS FOR:   0   MONTHS           
  COMPONENT:   N (Y/N)      RETAIN LVLS FOR:   0   MONTHS           
ELEMENT REGISTRATION CHECK OPTIONS:                                 
  DUP ELEMENT NAME:     N (Y/N)                         MSG LVL:   
  DUP PROC O/P TYP:     N (Y/N)  ACROSS SBS:   N (Y/N)  MSG LVL:   
/SIGN-OUT OPTIONS:                 LAST SYSTEM BACKUP:       
  ACTIVATE OPTION:          Y (Y/N)         DATE:                   
  VALIDATE DATA SET:        Y (Y/N)         TIME:                   
  STAGE 1 LOAD LIBRARY:     iprfx.iqual.STG1.PRCSLOAD               
  STAGE 1 LIST LIBRARY:                                             
  STAGE 2 LOAD LIBRARY:     iprfx.iqual.STG2.PRCSLOAD               
  STAGE 2 LIST LIBRARY:                                             

Endevor always searches the STAGE 1 LOAD LIBRARY first. If not found in the Stage 1 library, it then searches the STAGE 2 LOAD LIBRARY.

If the LOAD libraries are the same, then the Processor from that LOAD library is used.

  -   If the processor is not found in that LOAD library, then an error message is issued stating that the processor does not exist.


If the LOAD libraries are different and the processor is found in the STG1 LOADLIB, it gets executed from there.
If the processor is not found in the STG1 LOADLIB,  then the STG2 LOADLIB is checked and executes the processor from there.

  -  If the processor is not found in the STG1 or STG2 LOADLIB, then an error message is issued stating that the processor does not exist.


The Processor Translation Output Library definitions: 

l Field              l Description                              l 
l Stage 1 Load       l Name of the Stage 1 processor load       l 
l Library            l library for this system.  This load      l 
l                    l library must be different from the load  l 
l                    l library for Stage 2.                     l 
l Stage 1 List       l Name of the Stage 1 processor listing    l 
l Library            l library for this system.  This listing   l 
l                    l library must be different from the load  l 
l                    l library for Stage 2.                     l 
l Stage 2 Load       l Name of the Stage 2 processor load       l 
l Library            l library for this system.  If this load   l 
l                    l library is the same as the load library  l 
l                    l for Stage 1, Endevor issues a warning    l 
l                    l message.                                 l 
l Stage 2 List       l Name of the Stage 2 processor listing    l 
l Library            l library for this system.  If this        l 
l                    l listing library is the same as the       l 
l                    l listing library for Stage 1, Endevor     l 
l                    l issues a warning message.                l           