Using the DSNPFX parm in SASSBSTR
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Using the DSNPFX parm in SASSBSTR


Article ID: 48428


Updated On: 07-19-2024


CA 7 Workload Automation


The DSNPFX parm should only be used if the HLQ for the COMMDS does not match the HLQ of your BATCHIN and BATCHOUT data sets.



Specifies the high level qualifier (hlq) for the BATCHIN and BATCHOUT data sets. This must match the hlq for the BATCHI#x and BATCHO#x data sets that are defined to the Workload Automation CA 7 Edition started task. The BTI program dynamically allocates the BATCHIN and BATCHOUT files associated with a specific batch terminal.

Normally, the BTI program constructs the data set names for these files using the data set name prefix from the CA 7 Edition communication data set (UCC7CMDS DD).

The suffix BATCHI#n/BATCHO#n is appended to the prefix to construct the full data set names (where n is the associated batch terminal number).

This parm is only needed if the hlq of the BATCHI#x and BATCHO#x is not the same as the hlq for the COMMDS.

Note: If a specific batch terminal (1-8) is specified and the BATCHIN and BATCHOUT DDs in the BTI JCL are coded, no dynamic allocation occurs.