NO CPU and Memory displayed in "Performance" tab and "Thresholds and Watches" subview for devices in Spectrum
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NO CPU and Memory displayed in "Performance" tab and "Thresholds and Watches" subview for devices in Spectrum


Article ID: 48408


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


Not all devices use the same MIB attributes to display CPU and memory and as a result it may be necessary at times to redirect Spectrum to read the proprietary vendor / device specific MIB attributes by using attribute redirection.

Attribute redirection in Spectrum allows you specify which MIB attributes need to be read in order to display the CPU and memory values.


Versions: All


If a device has no CPU and memory displayed in tab and "Thresholds and Watches" subview for devices and you know what the proprietary vendor / device specific MIB attributes used are then you can update the following attributes in Spectrum OC to read these MIB attributes:


NRM_CPUUtilAttr - Points to the attribute that reports CPU utilization in percent. You populate this attribute with the attribute ID of the attribute which reports CPU utilization for the device. The attribute can be either a list or a scalar, and must be one of the following data types: counter, gauge, int, real, or 64-bit long..

NRM_CPUUtilNameAttr - (Optional) Points to the attribute that reports the identifying information for the CPUs. This attribute holds the attribute ID of the attribute which reports the names associated with each instance of CPU utilization for this device. If no such attribute exists, set the value of this attribute to 0x0.

NRM_DeviceCPUModelTypeToReadAttr - (Optional) Lists the model type handle of an application model that the NRM_CPUUtilAttr and the NRM_PUUUtilNameAttr attributes are read from. If the attributes reside on the device model, set the value of this attribute to 0x0.

Once you have populated the above attributes you will need to reconfigure the device model.

NOTE: The NRM_CPUAttr_Source attribute may show a value of "*not-set*" after reconfiguring the model. If so, manually change the value to "Attribute Redirection" and reconfigure the model again. If it still shows a value pf "*not-set" please open a case with Spectrum Support for assistance.

Please reference the "Normalized CPU Utilization Attributes" section of the documentation for more information.


NRM_DeviceMemoryUtilizationAttr - Here you would need to add the MIB attribute that reports memory utilization. If the device does not have one single MIB attribute that reports memory utilization you will need to identify two of the following three attributes:

Used Memory
Free Memory
Total Memory

NRM_MemoryUsedAttr - Points to the attribute that reports the used memory in units, for example, bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, and so on.

NRM_MemoryFreeAttr - Points to the attribute that reports the free memory in units, for example, bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, and so on.

NRM_MemoryTotalAttr - Points to the attribute that reports the total memory in units, for example, bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, and so on.

NRM_MemoryUtilNameAttr - (Optional) Points to the attribute that provides the memory utilization names. If no such attribute exists, set the value of this attribute to 0x0.

NRM_MemoryModelTypeToRead - (Optional) Lists the model type handle of an application model that the NRM_MemoryUtilAttr, NRM_MemoryUsedAttr, NRM_MemoryTotalAttr, NRM_MemoryFreeAttr, and the NRM_MemoryUtilNameAttr attributes should be read from. If the attributes reside on the device model, set the value of this attribute to 0x0.

Once you have populated the above attributes you will need to reconfigure the device model.

NOTE: The NRM_MemAttr_Source attribute may show a value of "*not-set*" after reconfiguring the model. If so, manually change the value to "Attribute Redirection" and reconfigure the model again. If it still shows a value pf "*not-set" please open a case with Spectrum Support for assistance.

Please reference the "Normalized Memory Utilization Attributes" section of the document for more information.

Additional Information

A real-world application

For a Cisco device, Spectrum uses the ciscoMemoryPoolUsed and ciscoMemoryPoolFree attributes to compute memory. The user wishes to change this to use the cpmCPUMemoryHCUsed attribute id 0x2134dc and cpmCPUMemoryHCFree attribute id 0x2134de.

Set the following values:

NRM_MemoryModelTypeToRead - 0x0
NRM_MemoryUtilNameAttr - 0x0
NRM_MemoryUsedAttr - 0x2134dc
NRM_MemoryFreeAttr - 0x2134de
NRM_MemAttr_Source - Attribute Redirection

Reconfigure the model.