CA OM Web Viewer 12.1 "java 1.8.0_101 was unexpected at this time" when trying to install or uninstall the Tomcat Service
Article ID: 4834
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Output Management Web Viewer
Getting message "java 1.8.0_101 was unexpected at this time" when trying to install or uninstall the Tomcat service with CA Output Management Web Viewer for Windows 12.1
Apache Tomcat
CA Output Management Web Viewer 12.1
The JAVA_HOME OR JAVA_JRE Sytem Environment variable was set incorrectly or not set at all
Determine if you have the Java jre (Java runtime) or the jdk (Java Development Kit). Either will work.
Set the JRE_HOME or JAVA_HOME variable to point to the path for the jre in the system variables, for example: JRE_HOME=C:\Program~1\Java\jre1.8.0_101 or JAVA_HOME=C:\Program~1\Java\jre1.8.0_101
To permanently change a System Environment variable setting: (This may vary according to Microsoft Operating System level)
Select the 'System' icon from the Windows control panel
Select the 'Advanced System Settings'
Select the 'Environment Variables' option
To modify an existing variable, find and change that variables current value by selecting 'Edit' or
To create a new system variable entry, select 'New' and enter the applicable variable name and value
Select 'Apply' to save these changes
Reboot the system.
Additional Information
In most cases these variables are set automatically when JAVA is installed, but in certain cases the variables will need to be added or modified