Installation of DSM Agent + AM plugin fails with Error 1603
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Installation of DSM Agent + AM plugin fails with Error 1603


Article ID: 4819


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CA Client Automation - Asset Management CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


Installation of "CA DSM Agent + Asset Management plugin" fails with MSI error 1603.

Installation is made under Local System Account (via Deployment Wizard or via a Software Delivery Job for example).


In MSI log (ex: c:\windows\temp\DSM_DW_SetupAgtAM.log if installation is done with Deployment Wizard) following error appears :


MSI (s) (8C:58) [05:38:42:803]: Product: CA DSM Agent + Asset Management plugin -- Installation operation failed.

MSI (s) (8C:58) [05:38:42:803]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: CA DSM Agent + Asset Management plugin. Product Version: Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: CA, Inc.. Installation success or error status: 1603.



In the same log, following lines appear before :


MSI (s) (8C:A4) [05:38:42:398]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI1C7E.tmp, Entrypoint: ciPtAgentAfterCopy_Install

1: ciPtAgentAfterCopy_Install(): Tracing enabled 

CustomAction ciPtAgentAfterCopy.703080D9_C6E9_445E_BABB_30D99AFEBBA9 returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)


Action ended 5:38:42: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.



Custom Action ciPtAgentAfterCopy is not executed successfully.


In %TEMP%\TRC_INST_ITRM_0.log following lines appear at the same time :


291116-05:38:42.4002619L|002836|00000a70|ITRM      |ciPtAgentAC     |ciCaWrapper.h       |000133|INFO   | Entered ciPtAgentAfterCopy_Install()


291116-05:38:42.4405264L|002836|00000a70|ITRM      |CcnfAgentApi    |utilities.cpp       |001134|ERROR  | GetUserStoreLocation(): Can'get path to user's roaming application data !

291116-05:38:42.4405453L|002836|00000a70|ITRM      |CcnfAgentApi    |CCcnfAgentApi.cpp   |004474|ERROR  | InitDirectStoreAccess(): Can't determine the user store location. Error: CCNF_CANT_GET_USERSTORE_LOC.

291116-05:38:42.4406142L|002836|00000a70|ITRM      |CcnfAgentApi    |CCcnfAgentApi.cpp   |004369|ERROR  | StoreAccess(): Can't initialize direct store access

291116-05:38:42.4406303L|002836|00000a70|ITRM      |CcnfAgentApi    |CCcnfAgentApi.cpp   |000504|ERROR  | Merge(): Can't access store! Error: CCNF_CANT_GET_USERSTORE_LOC

291116-05:38:42.4406449L|002836|00000a70|ITRM      |IPtAgentAfterCop|IPtAgentAfterCopy_W3|000000|INFO   | Merge failed: 30

291116-05:38:42.4406879L|002836|00000a70|ITRM      |ciPtAgentAC     |ciCaWrapper.h       |000146|INFO   | wrapped function returns

291116-05:38:42.4407022L|002836|00000a70|ITRM      |ciPtAgentAC     |ciCaWrapper.h       |000163|ERROR  | ptAgentACInstall() failed


If Deployment Wizard is used, Deployment Job is terminated with error "Fatal error during installation".


Client Automation - All Versions


This problem occurs when :

  • installation is made using Local System Account (via deployment wizard or via a Software Delivery Job)
  • and if Windows has some problem to find the Application Data folder of Local System Account.

Call of Windows function SHGetFolderPath with CSIDL_APPDATA as parameter is failing.


Make sure that registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\S-1-5-18 exists