ntevl probe on Japanese Environment can handle Error/Warning event without [Language String Configuration] setting.
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ntevl probe on Japanese Environment can handle Error/Warning event without [Language String Configuration] setting.


Article ID: 4803


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


ntevl probe on Japanese Environment can not only display Error/Warning event without [Language String Configuration] setting, but also cannot detect those events and publish alarms, even though ntevl probe user guide mentions [Language String Configuration] setting needs to be set in Non-English locales.


ntevl 3.90 or above on MS Windows Vista/Server 2008 R2 or above.


The ntevl probe can not handle Critical/Verbose event without [Language String Configuration] setting, but can handle Error/Warning event.


User needs to set [Language String Configuration] setting for this to work properly. The ntevl probe will be able to handle all event severity if [Language String Configuration] setting is set correctly.

Additional Information

Reference information:

ntevl (NT Event Log Monitoring) > ntevl AC Configuration > (Optional) Configure Language Strings in Non-English Locales

ntevl (NT Event Log Monitoring) > ntevl IM Configuration > (Optional) Configure Language Strings in Non-English Locales