Rally - Users: Reset Your Password
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Rally - Users: Reset Your Password


Article ID: 47897


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CA Agile Central On Premise (Rally) CA Agile Central SaaS (Rally)


Rally user is having trouble resetting their password and is unable to / cannot login. The next step is to try to reset your password.





Reset Your Password

Anyone can use the "Forgot Your Password?" link available on the main Rally login page and enter a username to initiate a password reset email for that individual.

SSO Users

If your company uses SSO, you won't be able to reset your password. Instead, contact an internal subscription administrator for help.


Password Reset Email Troubleshooting

Not receiving the password reset email after following the above Forgot your password process? Check out the below troubleshooting options:

Username format entered

The password reset email will not come through if you're not entering the full username ([email protected]> section), or if the Forgot Password page is accessed from the wrong URL. This notification will be sent to the email address associated with their account that contains a link allowing them to select and confirm a new password for their login.

Incorrect Email Address

If the email address associated with the account is incorrect, the password reset email will not be delivered.  Have a subscription administrator validate your email address associated with your account.

Spam/Mail System Filtering

If you are still unable to receive the reset message, it may be blocked by your mail system. Check the spam mail folder and any spam filters for this account to make sure that these emails are not being filtered or blocked.

User-initiated resets

Users can reset their own passwords at any time from Profile > Edit Profile.

Additional Information

keywords: password reset email, email not received, not getting password reset email, email not sent, agile central