Rally - Find Object IDs of Current Workspace and Project Without Admin Rights
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Rally - Find Object IDs of Current Workspace and Project Without Admin Rights


Article ID: 47763


Updated On:


Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


All Rally artifacts carry a unique number called the Object ID, also known as the OID of the artifact. This number is generally hidden behind the scenes, and allows the software to find an item in its exact location. When writing a webscript or custom application for Rally, these OIDs are needed to point to the correct Project or Workspace.





If you are not an administrator, you can use the process below to query these values through web services:

1. Create a new custom page. Type HTML in the search field and click Add


2. You will be presented with a Settings dialog. Enter this text in the HTML box:


<li>Current Workspace ID: __WORKSPACE_OID__

<li>Current Project ID: __PROJECT_OID__

<li>All Projects in Scope: __PROJECT_OIDS_IN_SCOPE__

<li>Project Scoping Up: __PROJECT_SCOPING_UP__

<li>Project Scoping Down: __PROJECT_SCOPING_DOWN__

<li>Current User ID: __USER_OID__

<li>Curent User Name: __USER_NAME__


When it is complete, it should look like this:

3. Click Save

The custom tab script will run, and you will see your OIDs for Workspace and Projects in scope:

The advantage of using a custom page like this is that you can always refer to it later as long as you do not delete this custom page.

There are also other ways to get workspace and project ObjectIDs. To get ObjectID of a current workspace go to Web Services API documentation when you are already logged in to CA Agile Central in another tab of your browser:


The top of the page displays:

  • Subscription: <your subscriptions name> (ObjectID = <your sub oid>)
  • Workspace: <your workspace name> (ObjectID = <current workspace oid>)