SYSVIEW install job INST0032 fails with RC 20
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SYSVIEW install job INST0032 fails with RC 20


Article ID: 4755


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SYSVIEW Performance Management


SYSVIEW install job INST0032 fails with return RC 20 while compiling IMODS.  


SYSVIEW uses program SRVMAINT which is part of the CA GSS product to compile IMODs in the CNM4BIMD VSAM file. By default, GSS assumes that the system it is installed on has an esoteric named VIO. If there is no esoteric named VIO, the compile of GSS IMODs will get a RC 20.

3rd party optimizers such as BMC's Mainview Batch Optimizer can also interfere with the job and generate a RC 20. 



Things you can try:

1. Insert a control statement in the format 'VIO VIOesotericname' as the first statement in the SYSIN for the PDSLOAD step of the INST0032 job. VIOesotericname is a valid name for VIO, e.g. SYSALLDA. Example:


This needs to be the first statement in the input associated with the SYSIN DD.  Since the SYSIN DD statement points to the member your.sysview.hlq.SAMPJCL(GSVIP2I), you can either add the VIO statement at the beginning of the GSVIP2I member, or you can use a concatenation for the SYSIN DD statement as follows: 

//SYSIN    DD * 
//         DD DSN=your.sysview.hlq.SAMPJCL(GSVIP2I),DISP=SHR

2. Another possible cause of a RC 20 when running the INST0032 job is the use of third party optimizers such as BMC's Mainview Batch Optimizer, for instance. If you are using optimizers in your environment, try excluding the INST0032 job from processing according the optimizer documentation.