When running CIA Real Time one may see -530 SQL errors from time to time with the following error message:
The SQL -530 errors reflect a point in time inconsistency between two tables in the CIA data base. Based on the ADD(USER) PROFILE commands entered, the ROLEXREF table is updated to reflect the relationship between the user and the profile. ROLEXREF has key dependencies on both the ROLEINFO table and the USERINFO table to insure data integrity. Due to the operational design of the CIA component, table data is deleted and re-added as needed to reflect the current contents of the security file. This can lead to the occasional SQL error you see if requests get out of order when the requests are coming from more than one system.
With multi threading capabilities in the DSI server and in DB2 this can happen. But this same operational design forces a rebuild of tables every time a user is modified. This is why you can have these SQL errors but still see all expected table rows and relationships in the data base. Nothing needs to be done when this error is received other than making sure that the data base reflects the updates.