How to bypass the JCLCheck Options panel (JCK21) for new EJCK users
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How to bypass the JCLCheck Options panel (JCK21) for new EJCK users


Article ID: 47242


Updated On:


JCLCheck Workload Automation


The first time EDCHEK is invoked, the OPTIONS menu (panel id JCK21) is displayed so the users may override the default runtime options. 

Once panel JCK21 is displayed, you can set " BYPASS THIS SCREEN NEXT TIME................................ => Y  ", and this panel will not be displayed on subsequent EDCHEK executions.

Is there an option to bypass the displaying of the JCK21 Panel for first time EDCHEK users?  






Release: 12.0
Component: JCLCheck Workload Automation


Here are some options:

1. Modify the existing EJCK CLIST to include the following codes: 

 SET JK@BYP =  Y              

2. Create a new REXX procedure (ex: UJCK):  

/*    REXX  */                                                         
JK@BYP = 'Y'                                                          
ADDRESS ISPEXEC "VPUT JK@BYP PROFILE"                                 
ADDRESS ISPEXEC                                                       
'ISREDIT MACRO'                                                       
'ISREDIT EJCK'                                                         

Copy the new REXX UJCK into the ISPF SYSPROC DD library, and execute UJCK (instead of the distributed EJCK CLIST). 


Additional Information

Command %EJCK PANEL will always display panel JCK21.