Remote Control logs events tracing.
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Remote Control logs events tracing.


Article ID: 47177


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CA Client Automation


Remote Control logs events tracing.  

When setting user remote control permissions?
Where can I find logs for the above events?


CA Client Automation- All Versions


From DSM Explorer you can modify permission on the allow and deny or select permission for Remote Control Users

The remote control permission modify are traced under Domain Manger log file TRC_URC_MANSRV_x.log


With URC  logging set at DETAIL level  (cftrace -c set -f URC -s 30000 -ln 5 for example)


You will see :                                               


|WARNING| ProcessMessageSetPermissions: user : winnt://123456/testrco01                                                  (user where permission has been changed)


|MANSRV |INFO | CCFSecAuthent::GetUserFromUserToken : Found user information 
|MANSRV |INFO | CCFSecAuthent::GetUserFromUserToken : -> "123456\Administrator" : type 'SidTypeUser'   (user who changed permission) 


TRC_URC_MANSRV_x.log contain info about change made on URC Table also:


 ExecuteCommandPointer sql: update urc_ab_permission set strpermissions=? where "UID"=0xc95eab59bbd55347860e91f8eb47c228 
|006904|00000470|MANSRV |CmdPtreImpl_Ado |CmdPtreImpl_Ado.cpp |001127|DETAIL | ExecuteCommandPointer sqlwparam: update urc_ab_permission set strpermissions='111111111111' where "UID"=0xc95eab59bbd55347860e91f8eb47c228 
|006904|00000470|MANSRV |CmdPtreImpl_Ado |CmdPtreImpl_Ado.cpp |001149|DETAIL | ExecuteCommandPointer rows: 1 
|006904|00000470|MANSRV |CDBManager | |000000|INFO | ExecSQL: OK (1 rows affected) 

Information inserted/updated into URC table and field : 

Table "urc_ab_permission" 
Field " strpermissions" 

where flag for strpermissions means : 0 Allow 2 Deny 1 Not set 

you will see similar information querying table "urc_ab_permission" :  

strobjectidentifier strpermissions 
WINNT://123456/ADMINISTRATOR 010000011101 
WINNT://123456/TESTRCO 000222222222 
WINNT://123456/TESTRCO01 111111111111