Can I apply OPS/MVS z/OS and CICS compatibility maintenance before the operating system and CICS are upgraded?
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Can I apply OPS/MVS z/OS and CICS compatibility maintenance before the operating system and CICS are upgraded?


Article ID: 47133


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OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


Can I apply OPS/MVS z/OS and CICS compatibility maintenance before the operating system and CICS are really upgraded?



OPS/MVS-Event Management & Automation-for JES2


We add the necessary code to make our software compatible with newer releases of 3rd party products. The PTFs can be applied prior to the z/OS and CICS upgrade. 

It is important to follow the installation instructions of the OPS/MVS compatibility maintenance to insure operational success. The details may require some tasks be performed after the third party software upgrade has occurred.