You Sometimes, there is a need to import a large number of user accounts from an old SpectroSERVER to a new one due to either corruption of data or simply building a new environment without a full SSdb import.
We have built a new environment with the latest version of Spectrum but we didn’t import the SSdb. How can we import just the user accounts from the old server?
Release: Any
You can use the Modelling Gateway to export the user accounts from your old machine and import them into the new.
1. From the old SpectroSERVER system
a. Log into the system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation
b. If on Windows, start a bash shell by running "bash -login"
c. Make a backup of the $SPECROOT/SS-Tools/.modelinggatewayresource.xml file
d. Edit the $SPECROOT/SS-Tools/.modelinggatewayresource.xml file. In the <ExportConfiguration> tag, set "export_user_models" to "true" and all other parameters to "false"
e. cd to the $SPECROOT/SS-Tools directory and run the following command where <hostname> is the hostname of the old SpectroSERVER system:
./modelinggateway -vnm <hostname> -e user-account-data.xml
f. Copy the backup of the $SPECROOT/SS-Tools/.modelinggatewayresource.xml file created in step 1c to the original filename $SPECROOT/SS-Tools/.modelinggatewayresource.xml file
g. Copy the user-account-data-xml file to the $SPECROOT/SS-Tools directory on the new SpectroSERVER system
2. From the new SpectroSERVER system
a. Log into the system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation
b. If on Windows, start a bash shell by running "bash -login"
c. cd to the $SPECROOT/SS-Tools directory and run the following command where <hostname> is the hostname of the new SpectroSERVER system
./modelinggateway -vnm <hostname> -i user-account-data.xml
Please reference the "Modeling Gateway" section of the documentation for more information.