Using SYSVIEW CLISTs To Issue Multiple Commands
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Using SYSVIEW CLISTs To Issue Multiple Commands


Article ID: 47080


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SYSVIEW Performance Management


How SYSVIEW CLIST can be used to issue multiple commands at once. 


Using SYSVIEW CLISTs can save you keystrokes as well as help with ease of use by replacing complex sets of commands with one command.

The purpose of a CLIST is to make it easier for a user to enter a list of predefined commands. The same commands that can be entered on the command line can be used in a CLIST member. Therefore, you should think of the term CLIST as a command list or a list of commands.  Hence, a SYSVIEW CLIST is a list of SYSVIEW command-line commands which are coded in the CLIST the same way they are entered at the command line. The CLISTs are stored in a PDS. Sysview provides the SYSVIEW.CNM4BCLS CLIST library to house your CLISTS for Sysview use. The system CNM4BCLS CLIST library is defined by the Dsn-System-CLISTLIB parameter in the System Configuration Options member (GSVXGSVX), in the GSVXSCFG parmlib. in GSVXGEN. To specify your own CLIST library, issue the SET CLISTDSN command which updates your profile to override the default. CLISTs are executed by using the SYSVIEW CLIST command. The syntax of the command is:

CLIST mbrname <dsname> <parms>

mbrname - The CLIST library member name to be executed.

dsname - The data set name of the CLIST library containing the CLIST member.

parms - The parameters to be passed to the CLIST.

If you are using the default CLISTDSN or have specified your own data set with the SET CLISTDSN, you can omit the dsname by using the following syntax

CLIST mbrname,,<parms>

To further shorten the command, SET CLISTCMDCHAR to a value of %. You can now execute a CLIST from any command line by typing:
