When using VTAM, this message was received: "SARVLGN2 x...x ***REJECT*** x...x".
Release: OUTDTI00200-12.2-Deliver-Output Management-Interface for Native TSO
As the SARVLGN2 message generally indicates:
When the message contains "***REJECTED-NO XMCT AVAILABLE", the MAXUSER threshold has been reached and no other XMS region is available to accept the other logins.
If the MAXUSER threshold has not been exceeded, XMS verifies whether there is sufficient storage to log a user on. If the storage is not available, XMS attempts to pass the user to another XMS region automatically.
If one is not available, XMS can issue the "NO XMCT AVAILABLE" message.
There is too low a REGION setting on the EXEC statement of the XMS task.
Storage constraints (REGION=nnnM) govern the maximum users supported by an XMS region. As a rule, XMS regions must have 7 to 8 MB of below the line storage available and 10 MB plus 1 MB for each 2 users.
For example, with XMS parm USERMAX=200, the setting should be REGION=128M ((200/2)M + >10M).
Though REGION=0M attempts to get as much space as can be had at that moment, there is no guarantee that that amount needed will be available.
With that, it is best to set the REGION to a definitive number.
Set the XMS parameters to: