The VMSCHED console log has 'PURGED' messages that were not there before upgrading or applying PTF RO64427.
There may be a large number of these messages.
The message is:
PUN FILE 9999 SENT **** PURGED **** AS 8888 RECS 0001 CPY 001 A NOHOLD NOKEE
CA VM:Schedule 2.0 with PTF RO64427
This was caused by PTF RO64427. These 'PURGED' messages occur when we close out an open punch that doesn't have any messages in it for the user (the 1 record is just heading information). Since we now remove the punch from the process when it goes into the retry queue, these messages are seen for every time a request goes into the retry queue.
We recommend that when you put a request on hold, make the WITHIN time very short.
That will limit how many times it retries and that will reduce the number of messages.
If you are sure that you don't need to keep the requests, then CANCEL the requests.
Additional Information:
You will see more of these messages if you have a lot of requests on HOLD. RO64427 fixed a problem with holding a punch device indefinitely when attempting to run a request that is on HOLD. It will retry and retry a request until it reaches the within time when it is on hold.