ERROR: "XCOMN0523E CA LICENSE CHECK FAILED: Can't open license file" with XCOM r11.6 SP01 64 bit
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ERROR: "XCOMN0523E CA LICENSE CHECK FAILED: Can't open license file" with XCOM r11.6 SP01 64 bit


Article ID: 47060


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Windows


Receiving message "XCOMN0523E CA LICENSE CHECK FAILED: Can't open license file" after installing XCOM r11.6 SP01 64 bit on Windows and starting the xcomd service.  We could not find where to place the ALP key file(ca.olf) since the CA license programs was not installed in c:\Program Files\CA\SharedComponents\ca_lic.



  • XCOM™ Data Transport® for Windows SP01 64 bit
  • MS Windows Server


CA Licensing programs were installed in directory c:\Program Files(x86)\CA\SharedComponents\ca_lic.


The ALP key file(ca.olf) has to be placed in directory c:\Program Files(x86)\CA\SharedComponents\ca_lic. Here is a list of paths where the CA Licensing may have been installed as well:

c:\Program Files\CA\SC\CA_LIC
c:\Program Files(x86)\CA\SharedComponents\CA_LIC
c:\Program Files (x86)\CA\SC\CA_LIC

Additional Information

XCOM r11.6 SP01 64 bit continues to need a ALP key and CA Licensing, but XCOM r11.6 SP01 32 bit does not require an ALP key or CA Licensing.

When encountered with this problem after installing XCOM r11.6 SP01 64 bit, you can provide Broadcom support or review the installer logs that were improved with SP01 in directories:
