Unable to add External App to WCC
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Unable to add External App to WCC


Article ID: 47026


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys)


Trying to add a new tab that can be used as a link in WCC, but there is no tab with "+" avaialbe when login to WCC.



Workload Automation AE


The WCC user who wants to add a new tab in WCC needs to be added in an EEM policy for WCC named ConfigurationControllExternalAppsAdminDefault.
Here are the steps:
1. Login to EEM WCC0004 Application.
2. In the Manage Access Polices tab, select ConfigurationControl and open the ConfigurationControlExternalAppsAdminDefault policy.
3. In the Identities section, use Search Identities to find the user or group that needs to add a new tab.
Click the right allow button to add the user or group to Selected Identities.
4. Make other change as appropriate.
5.  Save the change.



Additional Information

To control who has access to which External Application tabs, use the ExternalApplicationAccess policy.