Error message CAIN3052 monitoring a program with a new PROTSYM
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Error message CAIN3052 monitoring a program with a new PROTSYM


Article ID: 46988


Updated On: 10-18-2024


InterTest - CICS


Created a NEW PROTSYM file and gets the following error trying to monitor programs: 

CAIN3052 Program defined to CICS but has no symbolics.



The program has a PPT table entry but the program source code was not in one of the PROTSYM files that was defined to Intertest for CICS. 


Make sure the PROTSYM program repository contains the program the user is trying to set breakpoints on.

An IN25UTIL REPORT or the ITST transaction can be used to display all the programs in the PROTSYM file.

The user can recompile their program into the PROTSYM file that is defined to the CICS region.