Step 1:
- create a file using Notepad or Wordpad with the following parameters:
REMOTE_SYSTEM=ipaddress ===> specify or actual IP address of system
LOCAL_FILE=C:\directory\filename.txt ===> directory/path and file must exist, please use a small file
USERID=userid ====> specify valid userid
PASSWORD=pwd ====> specify valid password for above userid
- save the file in a directory you will remember as loop.cnf
Step 2:
- go to the xcom.glb file in the "config" subdirectory where you installed XCOM
- edit the file with notepad/wordpad or vi
- find XTRACE= and set it to XTRACE=10, you may have to uncomment the parameter
- save file and stop/start xcomd service/deamon
Step 3:
- go to Command prompt and change directory to where XCOM is installed
- enter command:
xcomtcp -c1 -f c:\directory\loop.cnf ===> Windows
xcomtcp -c1 -f /directory/loop.cnf ====> Linux/Unix
Step 4:
- 2 traces will be created in the "trace" subdirectory of where XCOM was installed.
- you should see that the file name should match the TID # of the transfer (e.g. 000nnnn.TRA)
- move or copy the trace files to another directory and send them to support if necessary
Step 5:
- go back to your xcom.glb file and set XTRACE=10 to XTRACE=0
- stop/start xcomd service and the trace will be turned off
- you can do the same in the loop.cnf file you created, no need to stop/start xcomd