Attachments upload does not work anymore
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Attachments upload does not work anymore


Article ID: 4697


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CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


The upload attachments does not work anymore.

You can get the following errors in the stdlog:

12/06 16:04:12.36 <servername>  web:local 6440 ERROR ktweb.spl 3729 The repository daemon (rep_daemon:<SERVERNAME>) is not running, unable to initiate a session. open_upload_session request message timed out, set and increase NX_REP_DAEMON_TIMEOUT value:

12/06 16:04:26.47 <servername>  slump_nxd 9008 ERROR server.c 3730 Unable to handle fast-channel request from 17288|pdmweb:sygosrv672#-2d406f6a:158d4a66c82:-7fff to 17288|rep_daemon:<SERVERNAME>|TOP; reason: Process rep_daemon:<SERVERNAME> is not currently running


Service Desk Manager: 17.X


One possible reason may be the Servlet Server name. During the process of the migration the name of the box where the Servlet Server is running  was changed from <servername> to <SERVERNAME>. The Servlet Server name is case sensitive. Setting it equal to the hostname will solve the problem.