Why is my PROTDMP file empty when I start CA Symdump for CICS every week?
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Why is my PROTDMP file empty when I start CA Symdump for CICS every week?


Article ID: 4690


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SymDump for CICS SymDump Batch


When CA Symdump for CICS is started every Monday morning, all dumps in the PROTDMP file have been removed and the entire dump repository is empty.    


CICS/TS executing in a z/OS environment with CA Symdump for CICS release 9.1 installed.


When the PROTDMP file was created and initialized, the 'Automatic Purge of Dumps' was set to use the default value of YES.  This field, in conjunction with the 'Automatic Purge Hold Days', which was set to the default value of 1, caused all dumps older than one day to be purged at startup.    


In order to prevent the PROTDMP file from being emptied automatically, you can either use the online SYMI transaction or run a batch job IN25DMPU to change the necessary settings to accomplish the desired result.  

The following settings are recommended:

  • Change the 'Automatic Purge at Startup from' Y to N.
  • Increase the value of the 'Automatic Hold Days' to a value greater than 7 to ensure that dumps can be retained over a full week.  
  • Additionally, you should also change the value of the 'Dynamic Purge of the Oldest Dump' from the default of N to Y.

Using the online SYMI transaction:

  • If Symdump is active, shut it down using the online transaction SYME
  • Execute the SYMI transaction and make the the following changes:
    • Change the 'Automatic Purge of Dumps' from Y to N 
    • Increase the value of the 'Automatic Hold Days' to a value greater than 7 to ensure that dumps can be retained over a full week
    • Additionally, you should also change the value of the 'Dynamic Purge of the Oldest Dump' from N to Y.  This will purge only oldest dump (older than 7 days) if more space is needed to hold a new dump.
  • Restart Symdump using the online transaction SYMS
  • The changes made will be permanently retained

If you choose to run the batch job IN25DMPU, please be aware of the following restrictions.  

  • The job can only be run against an existing PROTDMP file
  • The PROTDMP file cannot be allocated to an active Symdump session when the utility is run.  
  • Use JCL simlar to the following when executing the job:

DSN CAI.SYMDUM91.PROTDMP - your existing protdmp file
OPT PURGE N - change the autopurge at startup from the current Y to N
OPT DYNAPURGE Y - change the dynamic purge of oldest dump from current N to Y
OPT HOLD 7 - hold dumps in the PROTDMP file for a minimum of 7 days.  The oldest will be deleted if necessary
LIST ALL - this will list the dumps within the repository as well as the PROTDMP file statistics
OPT ALL - display all the options - the changes you've just made should display

Once the changes are made using either method, restart Symdump and the changes will be permanent.


Additional Information

Detailed information about configuring the PROTDMP file can be found in the: