When I view the results for WHOHAS access to a data set, some of the User Name fields are blank., How do I address the missing name fields?
The User Name field is populated based on the unload data set that is pointed to by an optional parameter (ACFESAGE, TSSCFILE, RACFUNLD) in the file that is pointed to by the DCDQMPRM DD statement. If the external security manager (ESM) does not specify a user name for a user ID, the user name information is not included in the unload data set, and the User Name field is blank.
For more information about ACFESAGE (CA ACF2), TSSCFILE (CA Top Secret), or RACFUNLD (IBM RACF), see Review the Environment Variables. To determine your site's file name and gain access to the file, contact your security administrator.
Follow these steps:
Recycle the CA Data Content Discovery Controller address space using the following commands: