During the CA Data Content Discovery Controller startup, I see messages in the STDERR file: 'Could not get JDBC Connection' and 'Cannot load JDBC driver class', how do I address these errors?
Exception in thread "Thread-9" org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException:
Could not get JDBC Connection; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException:
Cannot load JDBC driver class 'com.ibm.db2.jcc. DB2Driver'
The DB2 path is set incorrectly. To change the DB2 path, do the following steps:
Stop the CA Data Content Discovery Controller address space:
Edit the DB2_JDBC_PATH variable in yourhlq.CFEYOPTN(FEYCFG), and save the member.
Submit the FEYDEPLY job in yourhlq.CFEYJCL. Doing so propagates the DB2_JDBC_PATH value to the runtime environment.
The expected return code is 0.
Restart the CA Data Content Discovery Controller address space: