TMSCLEAN is ending with RC04 and not scratching a tape.
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TMSCLEAN is ending with RC04 and not scratching a tape.


Article ID: 46823


Updated On:


CA 1 Flexible Storage



TMSCLEAN is not scratching a tape that has an EXPDT in the past and is  not cataloged.  There is a warning message in the output that says the tape is not scratched because it is not expired.






The tape was create less than 5 days ago, and was not closed normally or by abend and the EXPDT is in the past.  TMSCLEAN will keep this tape for 5 days to see if it will be closed.  After the 5 days it will be scratched.


Using TMSUPDTE or the ISPF panels for CA 1, set the CDATE and LDATE to a date that is at least 5 days old.  With the next run of TMSCLEAN it will be scratched.  You can also wait the 5 days and TMSCLEAN will scratch the tape.

With TMSUPDTE you could also replace FLAG1 with a value of 40 to indicate it had been closed.