Received the following error message:
PDSMDBI-2 Database interface error, Rc=8, R0=00000020, R1=2BF318BC
PDSMPUSE-02 PDSMAN Usage Statistics Recording USEDBPUR Error - Database Read Error - RC=08 R0=00000020
How do I resolve these error conditions?
This is the problem that was fixed by PTF RO78098 (dated 1-6-2015).
Diagnostic recommendations:
Execute the PDSM38 with these parms . This will provide you with a report showing the errors. This is probably a split record condition and the report will show this to you.
To correct the condition, the other related split records need to be cleaned up.
Please rerun the PDSM38 ANALYZEDB but change TYPERUN= to specify FIXERRORS.
After TYPERUN=FIXERRORS, run the TYPERUN=REPORT again and you should get
Next, issue F PDSMAN,STOPDB and wait for PDSMDB STC to stop
Now, issue F PDSMAN,STARTDB and wait for PDSMDB STC to become active
You should not see any PDSMDBI-n messages.