In the $AUTOUSER/out/event_demon.$AUTOSERV log, messages similar to the following are present:
CAUAJM_E_18416 Event Server: <ATSYS> Failed Query: <BEGIN :RetVal := ujo_batch_move_event (:I_time, :B_count); END; <<1478606400>>>
CAUAJM_E_18402 ORA-00001: unique constraint (AEDBADMIN.XPKUJO_PROC_EVENT) violated
ORA-06512: at line 1
CAUAJM_I_18403 Processing OCI function ODEFIN(34)
CAUAJM_E_18400 An error has occurred while interfacing with ORACLE.
CAUAJM_E_18401 Function <doExecute> invoked from <nextRow> failed <873>
All Supported CA Workload Automation AE versions
While processing events, the database is trying to assign an Event ID (eoid) that already exists to a new Event.
Follow this procedure to remove any duplicate Event ID (eoid) values:
1. Identify duplicate events in the ujo_proc_event table
SELECT p.eoid FROM ujo_proc_event p, ujo_event e WHERE e.eoid=p.eoid;
2. Identify the job id from the duplicate events in the ujo_proc_event and in the ujo_event table
select eoid, joid, event, status, run_num from ujo_proc_event WHERE eoid = '<actual_eoid>';
select eoid, joid, event, status, run_num from ujo_event WHERE eoid = '<actual_eoid>';
3. Find the job name associated with the job id from the ujo_proc_event table
SELECT job_name FROM ujo_job WHERE joid = '<actual_joid>';
4. Remove duplicate events from the ujo_proc_event table
DELETE FROM ujo_event WHERE eoid= '<actual_eoid>':
5. commit
6. Restart the Scheduler