After SARPAC Old Tapes Still Remaining Show One Report
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After SARPAC Old Tapes Still Remaining Show One Report


Article ID: 46766


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After a run of SARPAC, there were old tapes still remaining in the SARPAC tape list indicating that one active report still remained on the tape.


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In this instance, SARPACs using "//SYSIN DD ..." of TAPESEQ=nnnnn (single tape) were performed, and the tapes in question had, at their beginning, a continuation of a report.

As SARPAC cannot move a partial report, the tapes (despite having other reports being moved) continued to hold the partial report. 


For future SARPACs of this type:

  •  Run a SARTCP TAPEMAP, to determine if the targeted tape contains any partial reports, either at the beginning of the tape or at the end of a tape (where the report would finish on a subsequent tape). 
  •  If not, then that solo tape can be input to SARPAC. 
  •  If so, then determine what other tapes surrounding that tape contain the other pieces of the partial reports, continuing that process until there is a tape range to input to SARPAC, whereas there are all complete reports.